Eighteen Powerful Months

Einayich Yonim Fellowship Program Elements

Monthly Jewish Ecology Seminars

Fellows will meet one Sunday a month for an afternoon/evening video call facilitated by our lead teachers with occasional guest speakers. Sessions will be built around Jewish ecology text study, discussion and reflection. 

Explorations include:

  • Ecological systems thinking and Jewish spiritual and ethical concepts

  • Application of Jewish ecological thinking to contemporary environmental challenges

  • Reflective sharing, active listening practices and community building

Monthly Mentor Meetings

A central part of the fellowship includes building a relationship with an adult mentor. In the first half of the program mentors and fellows build their connection. In the action phase the mentor relationship shifts to support the design and implementation of the fellow’s impact project.

The goals of mentoring include:

  • Building intergenerational connections

  • Providing fellows with caring guidance throughout the program and beyond

  • Ensuring fellow has an ally in their community to support success in their impact project

Skills Workshops

We support our fellows to grow on so many levels, and this includes building skills that they can take with them after they complete the program. Through half-day workshops fellows learn skills to support their personal development, their relationships and their ability to take action.

Workshop topics include:

  • Introduction to mindfulness techniques 

  • Communication across difference 

  • Design thinking process 

Summer Retreat

While the majority of the fellowship will take place through video gatherings, we believe in the power of being together in a shared space. Assuming that travel and shared lodging will be safe, we plan to host a week-long retreat in Northern California in the summer of 2024.

Goals of the summer retreat include:

  • Strengthening connections by gathering together in-person

  • Applying concepts of Jewish ecology through experiential outdoor learning

  • Deepening our sense of Jewish connection by celebrating Shabbat together  

Impact Project

Einayich Yonim is about seeing anew, and also about taking action towards that new vision. In the second half of the program participants will begin to think about how to apply their inner journey of learning and growth to their engagement with the wider world.

Goals of the impact project include:

  • Empowering fellows to move from reflection and vision to action and impact

  • Giving fellows the chance to express the value of action in their own unique way

  • Helping fellows understand that they are not alone as they work to make a difference